The Official Website of Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi

The Official Website of Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi

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Ruling of signs prayer in countries where earthquake occur a lot [Rulings of Ayaat Prayer]

Question:It is about one month since I’ve come to Japan for pleasure and I’ve stayed in Tokyo. Here in Japan around 4-5 earthquakes happen on a daily basis and because of high-tech construction methods used in constructing the buildings here most earthquakes are felt as small quakes here. Considering the fact that earthquake is a normal daily matter in this country, please guide me about performing the sign prayer and the number of times I need to perform it every day. Is it necessary for me to perform one sign prayer for each earthquake?
Answer: You should perform the sign prayer for each earthquake that is felt, but if it repeats during the prayer then that prayer will suffice. If repeating the Sign prayer causes considerable hardship for you, then you can perform it as much as is convenient for you.
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