The greatest veil

The Official Website of Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi

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The greatest veil

What is the main veil which prevents us from meeting the lord?
Certainly there is no veil worse than egoism, selfishness and self-centeredness as in the view of many ethical scholars "self-centeredness" is considered the main obstacle in the way of God-seekers and one should eradicate this characteristic in his soul in order to reach God's proximity; but it is not as easy as we think, because it means separation and detachment from ego; As the Persian poet says:
The main obstacle in your way is you! …Stand up! and clear the way!
But it cannot be attained without practicing, self-refinement, seeking help from God and resorting to the saints. Yes, that is right; the plant of God's love would not grow in the soul unless the weeds of love and dedication to the others are eradicated from there!
There is a story narrated about one of the saints who was a champion during his youth; Once he was proposed to compete with the old champion of Sultan, when the two champions were ready to compete in the middle of the wrestling field, an old woman who was the mother of the old champion approached to the young champion and whispered something in his ears, she said: young man, it seems that you will be the winner of this field, but do not be content with this victory while it dishonors us after a life of honor and deprives us from our provision.
The young champion was stuck in choosing between "self-centeredness" and "rejecting that much fame and honor" and finally he made the hard decision, during the competition he let his competitor to take him down so that the old man would not be humiliated in front of the crowd!
Now, let's listen to the rest of the story from him;
He said: "When I fell on the ground, suddenly I felt that all veils are removed from my eyes, I saw the truth manifested in my heart and I saw whatever I shall see with my heart."
That is right; by smashing the idol of ego the effects of God's unity can be manifested in our souls.

What is the main veil which prevents us from meeting the lord?
Certainly there is no veil worse than egoism, selfishness and self-centeredness as in the view of many ethical scholars "self-centeredness" is considered the main obstacle in the way of God-seekers and one should eradicate this characteristic in his soul in order to reach God's proximity; but it is not as easy as we think, because it means separation and detachment from ego; As the Persian poet says:
The main obstacle in your way is you! …Stand up! and clear the way!
But it cannot be attained without practicing, self-refinement, seeking help from God and resorting to the saints. Yes, that is right; the plant of God's love would not grow in the soul unless the weeds of love and dedication to the others are eradicated from there!
There is a story narrated about one of the saints who was a champion during his youth; Once he was proposed to compete with the old champion of Sultan, when the two champions were ready to compete in the middle of the wrestling field, an old woman who was the mother of the old champion approached to the young champion and whispered something in his ears, she said: young man, it seems that you will be the winner of this field, but do not be content with this victory while it dishonors us after a life of honor and deprives us from our provision.
The young champion was stuck in choosing between "self-centeredness" and "rejecting that much fame and honor" and finally he made the hard decision, during the competition he let his competitor to take him down so that the old man would not be humiliated in front of the crowd!
Now, let's listen to the rest of the story from him;
He said: "When I fell on the ground, suddenly I felt that all veils are removed from my eyes, I saw the truth manifested in my heart and I saw whatever I shall see with my heart."
That is right; by smashing the idol of ego the effects of God's unity can be manifested in our souls.

Published on: « 1403/04/12 »
Visits : 869